Hypnosis and its benefits for general wellness are often misunderstood. Here is an overview of just a few of the areas in our lives that may benefit from hypnosis.
The mind is a major part of how we live our lives and what we strive to become. As much as it is a major part of who we are, however, the mind is something we often take for granted. Despite our affinity for keeping a healthy lifestyle and being kind to our body, there is often little we do to keep a healthy state of mind.
Truth be told, a healthy mind begets a healthy body. A mind that is balanced, fit and strong is a mind that will enable us to do the things we love to do, shun away things that make us weak and vulnerable and empower us to do and feel better. A healthy mind is indeed a cornerstone in achieving general wellness.
But unlike other parts of ourselves that we want to keep well and strong, thinking positive thoughts is not always easy.
Besides, there’s more to accessing the deep recesses of the mind than just thinking of happy colors and the scent of summer. In order to unleash the power of the human brain to effect an overall sense of wellness, a dose of hypnosis may actually prove beneficial.
We have heard before that hypnosis induces a trance-like state, a state of being where the mind is fully awake but is kept oblivious to physical distractions. To some, a hypnotic trance is being in the mecca of an unadulterated state of consciousness.
And that’s with good reason. Hypnosis allows a person to enter into a deeply relaxed state so that the conscious part of the brain is engaged to focus and block out distracting thoughts, hence enhancing the brain’s ability to reach out to the deep recesses of the subconscious, where many of our fears, anxiety and depressing thoughts reside.
When one experiences a hypnotic trance, the mind becomes more open to therapeutic suggestions of conquering negative thoughts and rationalizing fears and anxiety rather than trying to “forget” about them in vain.
Hypnosis is thus a safe and effective way of reducing anxiety and depression especially for those who are reluctant to take medications for fear that they will develop an addiction.
In our practice, we like to “arm” our clients with tools to manage their symptoms in the future.
Stress is a silent killer, so we’ve been told by health experts because it often leads to heart ailments, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, sleep disorders and other chronic diseases. Being in a state of chronic stress compromises our body’s ability to rest and recuperate from the daily beatings it receives.
When you find your stress levels unable to respond positively to your usual doses of relaxation, pampering or even meditation, it may be time to think about being hypnotized. Hypnosis enables you to enter into a deeply relaxed state of mind, which is the purveyor of our body’s regenerative abilities.
And speaking of deep relaxation, an undisturbed, deep and rejuvenating sleep is something that our body needs, regardless of who we are or how we live each second of our waking day.
Chronic sleep deprivation not only makes us drowsy, irritable and unable to focus on the here and now; it can also lead to chronic physical and psychological disorders, worsening pain, and potential dependence and/or addiction to sleep medication or other sedatives.
Chronic sleep disorders are difficult to treat, and every day the number of people suffering from a host of sleep disorders ranging from full insomnia to wakeful sleep are rising. Blame it on the distractions that our society keeps afloat, blame it to skyrocketing stress levels even, shift work, and more.
Hypnosis can help get you back on track without all the issues and side effects attributed to medication use such as early morning drowsiness, sleepwalking/eating, and constipation not to mention the cost and physical/psychological dependence.
Instead, hypnosis can help you find your own deep state of physical and emotional relaxation and rejuvenation.
Addictions, also known as habituated patterns, respond well to hypnosis and other therapeutic techniques we utilize in our practice.
Most people will think about drugs and cigarettes as addictions, but this can include sugar/foods, alcohol, mobile devices, and more.
In fact, hypnosis and other techniques have been used for decades to help reduce and change habits related to substance use, objects and even states of being.
Perhaps the most well-known benefit of hypnosis is in the area of managing and treating pain. Through hypnosis, patients suffering from chronic pain could be taught to tolerate pain and develop mind and body techniques to continually manage pain.
Brain imaging studies (fMRI) in patients undergoing therapeutic hypnosis show that wave activities in specific areas of the brain associated with responses to pain or directly engaged in the production of physical pain sensations are reduced.
Individuals suffering from a migraine, arthritis, and fibromyalgia, in fact even women who are in great pain during labor, could benefit from hypnosis.
Hypnosis continues to show efficacy in reducing both acute and chronic pain and can be helpful for those whose medications are no longer effective, indicated or desired.
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